Subject :Inspection - Import Shipment Ref : QD18
1.0 Purpose
This document covers the inspection for all import shipment. 
2.0 Scope
Applicable to all import shipment, inclusive of self collection by customer.
3.0 Attachment
Attachment MA/QD18/001 - Delivery Manifest
Attachment MA/QD18/002 - Delivery Noted
Reference MA/QD07/002 - Cargo Clearance Checklist
Reference MA/QD07/003 - Shipment Discrepancy Report
Reference MA/QD07/005 - Import Clearance/Delivery Instruction
Reference MA/QD07/006 - Confirmation of Survey Instruction
Reference MA/QD16/002 - Delivery Order
4.0 Procedure
System Flow Responsibilities
& Authorities
Related Docs
& Forms
4.1 Shipment Arrival



4.2 Collection/Process of Documents


4.3 Record Information/ Handling Details
Import/CS Import Import Clearance/ Delivery Instruction
4.4 Declaration through Tradenet
Permit AWB/HAWB, Invoice
4.5 Clearance of cargo
Breakbulk/ Clearance Supplier
Cargo Clearance Checklist 5
4.6 Return to Mantraco Clearance Supplier/ Warehouse

Shipment Discrepancy Report (if applicable)

4.7 Process Documents for Delivery

Delivery Order, Delivery Manifest

4.8 Release cargo for Delivery
Warehouse/ Transportation Supplier Delivery Manifest 8


Note 1:

Shipment arrives at airport. Documents for Mantraco shall be placed in its respective box of the airlines terminals. If shipment arrived through Other Agents, the cargo agent will advice Mantraco by means of telephone advice.

Note 2: Documents shall be arranged for collection by Import (8.30 a.m.-5.00p.m.) and will then be processed either by Import and/or breakbulk and arranged for documentation (detachment of documents, keying-in, etc) and clearance.

* The following documents shall be detached and processed by the 
   respective section:

MAWB/HAWB of consolidated cargoes consigned to Mantraco Ltd. by Overseas Agents.

Airwaybill (direct)/HAWB (other agent) of cargoes appointed by potential/existing customers to handle.

Note 3:

For cargoes which Mantraco is appointed to handle, Import shall issue the Import Clearance/Delivery Instruction (Attachment MA/QD07/ 005) for each cargo and have these sent to CS Import for contacting purposes.

CS Import shall contact the customer and record all information/handling details e.g., delivery destination, contact person, etc., onto the issued Import Clearance/Delivery Instruction (refer to QD1 to QD07) and have there returned to Import for processing and monitoring.

* Should the delivery instruction (delivery to third party) from customer 
   differ from the Customer Advice, CS Import shall fax the Confirmation 
   of Verbal Instruction (Attachment MA/QD07/001) to the customer for 
   their awareness and understanding. The Confirmation of Verbal 
   Instruction shall indicate details of the shipment and the differed 
   delivery instruction given.

* The Confirmation of Verbal Instruction can also be used for other 
   arrangements which differ from the Customer Advice i.e., uncrating, 

Note 4:

Documents detached by Import (as per Note 2), copies shall be extended to Permits for declaration (refer to QC2 of QD07). Permits shall verify the details e.g., customer's name, commodity, currency, etc., on the prior to declaration through the computer system (Tradenet).

Should there be any details of the shipment requiring clarification/confirmation, Permits shall inform CS Import who in turn, will clarify/confirm with the customer. All updated/confirmed details shall be reverted by CS Import to Permits.

Note 5

The necessary documents (Masterwaybill, Housewaybill) will be recorded by Breakbulk onto the Cargo Clearance Checklist (Attachment MA/QD07/002) prior to their assignment to the Clearance Supplier. The checklist shall be used to monitor the clearance of cargo(es).

Note : The approval Inward Permit is required to be presented to other 
          agents upon clearance of cargo(es).

The Clearance Supplier shall arrange to clear the cargo(es) from the airline terminals (SATS/CIAS)/other agent's warehouse. The airlines terminals (SATS/CIAS) shall issue a Delivery Note (Attachment MA/QD18/002) for Mantraco to confirm acceptance of cargo(es) released. For other agent's, MANTRACO will sign on the respective documents of the cargo agent when cargo(es)are being released.

Prior to clearance of the cargo(es) be found the airline terminals/other agent's warehouse, the Clearance Supplier shall inspect the physical condition of the cargo(es) for damages e.g., carton torn/crushed/wet, arrow-up labels, etc (refer to QC3 of QD07)

  1. Should the cargo(es) be found to be in good condition, the cargo(es) will be cleared without discrepancies from the airline terminal/other agent's warehouse. The cargo(es) will subsequently be returned to Mantraco warehouse.
  2. Should the cargo(es) be found not to be in good condition (i.e. torn, crushed, wet, etc), the Clearance supplier shall place the cargo(es) under "pending Survey" in the airline terminal/other agent's warehouse with the latter's acknowledgment. The Shipment discrepancy Report (Attachment MA/QD07/003) shall be issued by the Clearnace supplier.
    * For cargo(es) placed under "Pending Survey of the airline terminal by the other agent, the cargo agent concerned shall inform Breakbulk through the telephone, Breakbulk will record the information/details gathered onto the shipment discrepancy Report.

The Clearance Supplier on highlighting the discrepancies of the cargo(es) to Breakbulk, shall seek further clearance instructions (clear on Clean Receipt or arrange for survey).

Breakbulk shall inform Import, who in turn, will inform CS Import of the discrepancies of the cargo(es).

CS Import upon informing the customer, shall obtain the required instruction (Clear on Clean Receipt, Survey on Behalf of Customer, Survey by Customer's Representative or Insurance Surveyor) for the damaged cargo(es) and revert this to Import for their necessary action. A Confirmation of Survey Instruction (Attachment MA/QD07/006) shall be faxed by CS Import to the customer for their awareness and understanding (in the event the customer does not send a telefax instruction).

(a) Clearance of Shipment on Clear Receipt
      The Clearance Supplier shall verify the damage.
(b) Survey of Shipment on Behalf of Customer
(c) Survey Shipment by Customer's Survey/Representative
      A survey shall be arranged and conducted at the airline 
      terminal/other agent's warehouse to verify the extent of damages of 

The damaged cargo(es) shall be verified (refer to QC5 of QD7) and returned to Mantraco warehouse.

Note 6: Cargo(es) which is cleared in good condition is returned to Mantraco warehouse for inspection (refer to QC4 of QD07) by Warehouse before handling the shipment over.
  1. Should there be no discrepancies found, the cargo(es) shall be placed in storage at the warehouse, pending delivery to the customer.
  2. Should there be discrepancies found, the Warehouse staff shall verify the discrepancies and issue the Shipment Discrepancy Report. The Warehouse Officer shall be informed and the shipment be placed in the warehouse pending further investigation/recommendation/instruction.
    * Disposition Notice (Import) shall be issued by Warehouse and affixed to the cargo. The cargo shall then be placed in a segregated area of the Import warehouse with other pending cargoes (having Disposition Notice)

Similarly, cargo(es) which is cleared on Clear Receipt and returned to Mantraco warehouse, shall be subjected to inspection (refer to QC6 of QD07) by Warehouse before handling the shipment over. Warehouse shall verify the discrepancies against the Cargo Irregularity Survey Report (Attachment MA/QD07/004) issued by the airline terminal or the Shipment Discrepancy Report (if applicable)

Cargo(es) surveyed at the airline terminal/other agent's warehouse shall be returned to Mantraco warehouse for inspection (refer to QC7 of QD07) by Warehouse before handling the shipment over. Warehouse shall verify the discrepancies against the Cargo Irregularity Survey Report issued by the airline terminal or the Shipment Discrepancy Report (if applicable).

Note 7: Import on receiving confirmation on the return of the cargo(es) from the airline terminal/other agent's warehouse, shall then attach the necessary documents (Airwaybill/Housewaybill, approved Inward Permit, Invoice, Packing List) to the Delivery Order (Attachment MA/QD18/001) to the Transportation Supplier concerned together with the relevant documents. Information pertaining the the deliveries shall be captured by the computer (refer to QC08 of QD07)
Note 8: The Transportation Supplier upon receiving the Delivery Manifest (listing the various shipments assigned for delivery) together with the relevant documents (Airwaybill/Housewaybill, approved Inward Permit, Delivery Order, Invoice, Packing List) will then proceed to the warehouse where they are to sign-out for the said cargo(es). Prior to shgning-out the said cargo(es) from Mantraco warehouse, the Transportation Supplier is to check if the cargo(es) is in good order and condition.
  1. Should the Transportation Supplier confirm the cargo(es) to be in good order and condition, he shall then proceed to sign-out for the cargo(es) and arrange loading onto the truck.
  2. Should the Transportation Supplier find the cargo(es)not to be in good order or condition, he shall inform the Warehouse personnel of the discrepancy noted. The Warehouse personnel may then seek further clarification or verification of the discrepancy (through documentary evidence of cargo cleared on Clear Receipt, cleared after survey, etc). Upon confirmation of the cargo(es) status between both parties (Transportation Supplier and Warehouse), the Transportation Supplier shall then proceed to sign-out for the shipment and arrange loading onto the truck.

    Cargoes are then arranged for delivery to the customers.
General Remarks/Comments
For Self Collection by Customer:
  1. The customer shall proceed to Import for the collection of the relevant document i.e., Airwaybill/Housewaybill, Delivery Order, approved Inward Permits, etc.
  2. The customer shall proceed on the warehouse to-out for the shipment.
  3. The procedures shall be as per Note 8 but the customer will sign-out for the shipment on the Delivery Order. There will be no Delivery Manifest generated for Self-Collection shipment.


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