Table 2.  Trade with Major Trading Partners  (2)
Dec. 2010
¡m Current Month ¡n
Unit¡GUS$ Million
¡@ ¡@ ¡@ ¢±¢¯¢°¢¯ ¡@ ¡@ ¢±¢¯¢¯¢¸ ¡@ Comparison
Countries ¡@ Total Exports Total Imports Trade Total Exports Total Imports Trade Total Exports Total Imports
(or Areas) ¡@ Amount As % of  Total Amount As % of  Total Balances Amount As % of  Total Amount As % of  Total Balances Amount Annual Change Rate (¢H) Amount Annual Change Rate (¢H)
Total  GRAND TOTAL    23,832.2 100.0 22,225.1 100.0 1,607.1 20,017.9 100.0 18,313.5 100.0 1,704.4 3,814.3 19.1 3,911.6 21.4
Mainland China & Hongkong
Mainland China & Hongkong  9,815.6 41.2 3,531.6 15.9 6,283.9 8,444.6 42.2 2,689.6 14.7 5,755.0 1,371.0 16.2 842.1 31.3
Direct  trade  with        Mainland China
 Mainland China 6,515.0 27.3 3,392.3 15.3 3,122.7 5,423.0 27.1 2,562.0 14.0 2,861.0 1,092.0 20.1 830.4 32.4
U.S.A. UNITED STATES 2,709.1 11.4 2,406.5 10.8 302.6 2,258.4 11.3 1,985.2 10.8 273.2 450.6 20.0 421.3 21.2
Japan JAPAN 1,421.6 6.0 4,399.8 19.8 -2,978.2 1,283.6 6.4 3,955.6 21.6 -2,672.0 138.0 10.7 444.2 11.2
Singapore SINGAPORE 1,046.0 4.4 614.2 2.8 431.8 873.7 4.4 568.3 3.1 305.5 172.2 19.7 45.9 8.1
Korea,Republic Of KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 890.0 3.7 1,444.0 6.5 -554.0 619.0 3.1 1,104.5 6.0 -485.5 271.0 43.8 339.5 30.7
Viet Nam VIET NAM 647.8 2.7 136.1 0.6 511.6 551.4 2.8 88.2 0.5 463.2 96.4 17.5 47.9 54.4
Germany GERMANY 599.7 2.5 786.3 3.5 -186.6 465.7 2.3 568.2 3.1 -102.6 134.0 28.8 218.1 38.4
Philippines PHILIPPINES 570.0 2.4 204.2 0.9 365.8 443.2 2.2 166.1 0.9 277.1 126.8 28.6 38.1 22.9
Malaysia MALAYSIA 526.3 2.2 636.5 2.9 -110.1 474.4 2.4 465.7 2.5 8.7 51.9 10.9 170.8 36.7
Netherlands NETHERLANDS 479.1 2.0 487.2 2.2 -8.1 466.5 2.3 133.2 0.7 333.3 12.6 2.7 354.0 265.8
Thailand THAILAND 445.1 1.9 366.6 1.6 78.5 376.0 1.9 270.8 1.5 105.2 69.1 18.4 95.8 35.4
India INDIA 417.2 1.8 204.3 0.9 212.9 238.7 1.2 154.5 0.8 84.1 178.6 74.8 49.8 32.2
Indonesia INDONESIA 361.9 1.5 585.1 2.6 -223.1 347.9 1.7 420.3 2.3 -72.4 14.0 4.0 164.8 39.2
U Kingdom U KINGDOM 346.4 1.5 148.5 0.7 197.9 290.3 1.5 113.1 0.6 177.1 56.1 19.3 35.4 31.3
Italy ITALY 260.7 1.1 164.2 0.7 96.6 178.2 0.9 183.6 1.0 -5.4 82.5 46.3 -19.4 -10.6
Australia AUSTRALIA 235.3 1.0 661.5 3.0 -426.2 202.2 1.0 477.0 2.6 -274.8 33.1 16.4 184.4 38.7
U Arab Emirates U ARAB EMIRATES 200.5 0.8 230.6 1.0 -30.1 108.5 0.5 300.5 1.6 -192.0 92.0 84.8 -69.9 -23.3
Saudi Arabia SAUDI ARABIA 76.5 0.3 1,095.5 4.9 -1,019.0 57.5 0.3 1,204.1 6.6 -1,146.6 19.0 33.0 -108.6 -9.0
Kuwait KUWAIT 10.0 0.0 548.9 2.5 -538.9 8.0 0.0 524.6 2.9 -516.6 2.1 26.1 24.3 4.6
Other  OTHER          2,773.4 11.6 3,573.5 16.1 -800.1 2,330.0 11.6 2,940.2 16.1 -610.2 443.3 19.0 633.3 21.5
¡m Cumulative, Jan. to date ¡n¡@
Unit¡GUS$ Million
¡@ ¡@ ¡@ ¢±¢¯¢°¢¯ ¡@ ¡@ ¢±¢¯¢¯¢¸ ¡@ Comparison
Countries ¡@ Total Exports Total Imports Trade Total Exports Total Imports Trade Total Exports Total Imports
(or Areas) ¡@ Amount As % of  Total Amount As % of  Total Balances Amount As % of  Total Amount As % of  Total Balances Amount Annual Change Rate (¢H) Amount Annual Change Rate (¢H)
Total  GRAND TOTAL    274,642.6 100.0 251,395.0 100.0 23,247.6 203,674.9 100.0 174,370.5 100.0 29,304.4 70,967.7 34.8 77,024.5 44.2
Mainland China & Hongkong
Mainland China & Hongkong 114,746.6 41.8 37,581.7 14.9 77,164.9 83,693.9 41.1 25,546.0 14.7 58,147.9 31,052.7 37.1 12,035.6 47.1
Direct  trade  with        Mainland China
 Mainland China 76,940.5 28.0 35,954.1 14.3 40,986.5 54,248.7 26.6 24,423.5 14.0 29,825.2 22,691.9 41.8 11,530.6 47.2
U.S.A. UNITED STATES 31,469.4 11.5 25,373.0 10.1 6,096.4 23,552.9 11.6 18,153.9 10.4 5,399.0 7,916.5 33.6 7,219.1 39.8
Japan JAPAN 18,023.7 6.6 51,930.4 20.7 -33,906.8 14,502.3 7.1 36,220.0 20.8 -21,717.8 3,521.4 24.3 15,710.4 43.4
Singapore SINGAPORE 12,096.4 4.4 7,643.5 3.0 4,452.8 8,613.8 4.2 4,809.2 2.8 3,804.6 3,482.5 40.4 2,834.4 58.9
Korea,Republic Of KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 10,682.2 3.9 16,059.1 6.4 -5,376.9 7,302.5 3.6 10,506.8 6.0 -3,204.3 3,379.7 46.3 5,552.3 52.8
Viet Nam VIET NAM 7,534.4 2.7 1,289.3 0.5 6,245.1 5,987.9 2.9 920.8 0.5 5,067.1 1,546.6 25.8 368.5 40.0
Germany GERMANY 6,511.6 2.4 8,263.8 3.3 -1,752.2 4,695.9 2.3 5,672.9 3.3 -977.0 1,815.7 38.7 2,590.9 45.7
Philippines PHILIPPINES 5,983.6 2.2 2,320.8 0.9 3,662.9 4,432.8 2.2 1,613.7 0.9 2,819.2 1,550.8 35.0 707.1 43.8
Malaysia MALAYSIA 5,949.0 2.2 7,719.7 3.1 -1,770.7 4,060.1 2.0 4,552.6 2.6 -492.5 1,888.9 46.5 3,167.0 69.6
Thailand THAILAND 5,287.4 1.9 3,831.8 1.5 1,455.5 3,826.8 1.9 2,681.7 1.5 1,145.2 1,460.5 38.2 1,150.1 42.9
Netherlands NETHERLANDS 5,261.5 1.9 3,203.7 1.3 2,057.8 4,229.4 2.1 1,862.8 1.1 2,366.7 1,032.1 24.4 1,340.9 72.0
Indonesia INDONESIA 4,510.1 1.6 6,034.2 2.4 -1,524.1 3,226.3 1.6 5,183.7 3.0 -1,957.4 1,283.9 39.8 850.5 16.4
India INDIA 3,629.4 1.3 2,839.8 1.1 789.6 2,531.5 1.2 1,623.2 0.9 908.3 1,097.9 43.4 1,216.6 74.9
U Kingdom U KINGDOM 3,621.4 1.3 1,673.1 0.7 1,948.3 2,980.2 1.5 1,230.3 0.7 1,749.9 641.2 21.5 442.8 36.0
Australia AUSTRALIA 3,132.1 1.1 8,934.7 3.6 -5,802.7 2,353.4 1.2 5,965.9 3.4 -3,612.5 778.7 33.1 2,968.9 49.8
Italy ITALY 2,447.2 0.9 1,948.8 0.8 498.4 1,786.6 0.9 1,831.0 1.1 -44.4 660.6 37.0 117.8 6.4
U Arab Emirates U ARAB EMIRATES 1,489.4 0.5 3,515.8 1.4 -2,026.4 1,018.0 0.5 2,480.0 1.4 -1,462.0 471.4 46.3 1,035.7 41.8
Saudi Arabia SAUDI ARABIA 1,002.0 0.4 11,882.5 4.7 -10,880.6 674.2 0.3 8,657.9 5.0 -7,983.7 327.8 48.6 3,224.6 37.2
Kuwait KUWAIT 142.1 0.1 6,131.0 2.4 -5,988.9 146.9 0.1 4,555.7 2.6 -4,408.8 -4.8 -3.3 1,575.3 34.6
Other  OTHER          31,123.3 11.3 43,218.3 17.2 -12,095.1 24,059.5 11.8 30,302.4 17.4 -6,243.0 7,063.8 29.4 12,915.9 42.6