Finance Ministry Relaxes Conditions for Reduced Random Inspection Ratio for Customs Brokers

  The Directorate General of Customs, a unit of the Ministry of Finance (MOF), recently revised the ˇ§Rules for Customs Broker Application for Reduced Ratio of Random Goods Inspectionˇ¨ to reduce random inspection for Type I customs brokers who were among the top 65% in their customs districts in terms of number of customs declarations during the year prior to the application for reduced inspection.
The ˇ§Rules for Customs Broker Application for Reduced Ratio of Random Goods Inspectionˇ¨ lay out 13 conditions for reduced random inspection ratios. For Type I brokersˇXthose that meet all of the conditions--the range of reduction is 26% to 50%. Customs brokers who meet conditions No. 1 through No. 9, and any three of the conditions from No. 10 through No. 13, are Type II brokers eligible for a reduction of up to 25%. For those export customs declarations that are required by Customs to be inspected, however, the inspection ratio may not be reduced.
The MOF points out that the revision of the rules relaxes the requirement that applicants for reduced inspection ratios must be among the top 50% in their districts during the year prior to application, to top 65%. In addition, the minimum number of employees required in condition No. 11 is lowered from eight to six.
Customs brokers who meet the requirements for reduced inspection ratio may apply, with the necessary documentation, to their local customs bureaus for type categorization before the end of February each year. The local customs bureau will complete the examination of applications and announce the results by the end of March. The period of validity for reduced inspection ratio is one year, from April 1 to March 31 the following year.

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