Effects of Assistance Measures for Industry Clustering (Towel, Sock and Shoe Industries)|

2008/1/24 - Industrial Development Bureau, MOEA

Due to the rising cost of labor, land and equipment, some enterprises in traditional industries have been shifting investment to lower cost areas, such as China or Vietnam. Companies in these industries have also been under increasing pressure from cheap imports since Taiwan joined the World Trade Organization, resulting in sharply lower production levels, reduced domestic market share, and falling employment. The government has therefore been assisting traditional industries to upgrade their operations over the past two years. Such assistance has produced good results in the towel, sock and shoe industries, helping enterprises in these sectors to upgrade operations and add jobs.

The "Assistance Mechanism for Traditional Industries Facing Difficulties" ratified on March 30, 2006, enhances assistance to weak traditional industries. The mechanism has been applied successfully in assisting the towel, sock and shoe industries. The assistance measures under the mechanism include the following:
1.Purchasing priority on MIT (Made in Taiwan) products.
2.Adopting WTO Trade Remedy Measures:
-Levying anti-dumping duties of 86.6~204.1% on towels originating from China since June 1, 2006
-Levying anti-dumping duties of 43.46% on six specific types of shoe originating from China since March 16,2007
3.Cracking down on the use of false labeling of place of origin: Supervising county governments to strengthen investigation on product labeling on the market
4.Assisting the industry in promoting locally made products in the domestic market
5.Enhancing training
6.Assisting the industry to improve technology and design capabilities so as to increase the added-value of their products
7.Assisting the industry to apply for the funding through special government programs
8.Encouraging the industry to purchase equipment to boost productivity
9.Encouraging companies to improve manufacturing processes and the efficiency of quality control

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