OCT. 15,2010

B-1 Foreign Trade
Unit: US$ Million
  Foreign Trade Annual Rate of Change Export Orders Received  
Exports Imports Balance Exports (%) Imports (%) Annual Changes%
1996      117 581  102 922  14 659 3.7 -1.0  118 955 4.8
1997      124 170  114 955  9 215 5.6 11.7  123 800 4.1
1998      112 595  105 230  7 366 -9.3 -8.5  118 837 -4.0
1999      123 733  111 196  12 537 9.9 5.7  127 468 7.3
2000      151 950  140 732  11 218 22.8 26.6  153 431 20.4
2001      126 314  107 971  18 344 -16.9 -23.3  135 715 -11.6
2002      135 317  113 245  22 072 7.1 4.9  150 949 11.2
2003      150 601  128 010  22 590 11.3 13.0  170 024 12.6
2004      182 370  168 758  13 613 21.1 31.8  215 081 26.5
2005      198 432  182 614  15 817 8.8 8.2  256 400 19.2
2006      224 017  202 698  21 319 12.9 11.0  299 312 16.7
2007      246 677  219 252  27 425 10.1 8.2  345 809 15.5
2008      255 629  240 448  15 181 3.6 9.7  351 728 1.7
2009      203 675  174 371  29 304 -20.3 -27.5  322 432 -8.3
  Sep.    19 066  16 506  2 561 -12.7 -21.2  30 838 -3.0
  Oct.    19 843  16 581  3 262 -4.6 -6.7  31 755 4.4
  Nov.    20 013  17 910  2 103 19.3 18.0  31 259 37.1
  Dec.    20 018  18 314  1 704 46.8 55.6  31 726 52.6
2010 Jan.    21 738  19 250  2 488 75.8 115.4  30 371 71.8
  Feb.    16 689  15 799   891 32.6 45.8  27 406 36.2
  Mar.    23 358  21 835  1 523 50.1 80.1  34 387 43.7
  Apr.    21 929  19 390  2 539 47.7 52.7  33 959 35.2
  May     25 475  22 386  3 089 57.5 72.1  33 729 34.0
  June    22 716  21 176  1 540 34.1 39.4  34 222 22.5
  July r  23 899  21 750  2 149 38.5 42.7  33 830 18.2
  Aug. p  24 051  21 791  2 259 26.6 28.0  34 878 23.3
  Sep. p  22 397  20 630  1 767 17.5 25.0
Current Cumulation  202 252  184 007  18 245 40.6 51.4  262 782 33.5
Cumulative Change from the Same Period of Last Year (%) 40.6 51.4 -17.9 -- -- 33.5 --

Source: Department of Statistics, Ministry of Finance.

Note: From 2006, the Compilation of Customs Trade Statistics adopts the United Nations' International 

Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS) Compilers Manual, 2004. Under IMTS Criteria, (Total Exports)

         (Exports)(Re-exports), (Total Imports)(Imports)(Re-imports). In addition, the data of  

re-exports and re-imports of each Classification are included in their relevant total exports/imports, 

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