Second Case of Outsourcing of Processing by Zone Enterprise Approved

        On June 26 the Free Trade Zone Coordinating Committee approved an application by Tonglit Logistics, located in the Taichung Free Trade Zone, to outsource processing to Yulon Motor. The case will boost Tonglit¡¦s annual production value by an estimated NT$25 million, increase Yulon¡¦s exports by NT$2.5 billion a year, and hike the production value of cooperating manufacturers by NT$2.0 billion.


        To promote interactive linkages between free port zone logistics enterprises and manufacturers outside the zones, and thereby boost the development of related domestic industries, the Regulations Governing Customs Clearance for Goods in Free Trade Zones allow zone enterprises that are engaged in logistics, that have a major influence on the national economy, and that have a paid-in capital or actual free trade zone investment and operating capital of more than NT$100 million to apply to the Free Trade Zone Coordinating Committee for permission to outsource transformational processing to companies outside the zones.


        The Free Trade Zone Coordinating Committee approved the first such outsourcing in Sep. 22, 2006 . Under that arrangement, Tonglit Logistics in the Taipei Free Trade Zone commissioned processing to 14 outside manufacturers, including Ford Lio Ho Motors.


        For more details, please visit this website:

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