CEPD to Boost Health Tourism Industry

      Internationalization has become a trend in the health services industry in recent years, leading to substantial annual growth in the value of health tourism. In view of this trend the Council for Economic Planning and Development plans to promote health tourism and to coordinate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the provision of six-month stays in Taiwan for visitors who come, with the proper documentation, to seek health care.


        In addition, the CEPD plans to implement the prepayment of medical costs via the Internet, with something like a guarantee-bond system to avoid financial disputes during the process of treatment. The CEPD will also negotiate with the Taiwan branches of major international insurance companies with the aim of having them provide medical insurance for treatment in Taiwan . The government will train related professionals, set up Internet marketing of the program, strengthen cross-industry cooperation, and loosen up related laws and regulations so as to enhance the international image of Taiwan’s outstanding medical care, boost awareness of the island’s medical services, and join the international medical-care community. More information is available on this website: http://investintaiwan.nat.gov.tw/zh-tw/news/200704/2007042002.html.

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