Taoyuan Air Cargo Park FTZ Inaugurates Monthly Reporting System

      The monthly reporting system at the Taoyuan Air Cargo Park FTZ went into formal operation in April, following the completion of testing, bringing greater flexibility to the flow of goods between free trade zones and other areas. This reduces costs for operators and provides a more convenient and efficient reporting mechanism.


The Ministry of Finance has worked out supporting measures for the free trade zone monthly reporting system with reference to similar systems in export processing zones, science parks, and logistics centers in order to facilitate more convenient customs clearance for goods being shipped between free trade zones and tax-liable areas and other tax-bonded areas. At the same time, necessary changes have been made to the Regulations Governing Customs Clearance for Goods in Free Trade Zones. Business operations as well as hardware and software involved in the installation of the operating system for monthly reporting at the Taoyuan Air Cargo Park FTZ have been completed, and joint testing by the Customs, the Civil Aviation Administration, business operators, and the Trade-Van Information Services Co. has been carried out. Taipei Customs has set up a single window contact point for the new monthly reporting system, and the Civil Aviation Administration also provides online system services and a dedicated mailbox so as to assure the smooth operation of the new mechanism.


For detailed information, please go online and check http://www.cepd.gov.tw/style1/style1_sec2.jsp?businessID=3876&linkID=194&parentLinkID=0&gosec2=y.

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