Numbers and Conditions Relaxed for Mainland Chinese Business People Entering Taiwan
The Investment Commission of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, which is responsible for reviewing the qualifications of mainland Chinese coming to Taiwan for business purposes, has responded to the Ministry of the Interiorˇ¦s easing of the numbers and conditions of such mainland Chinese who are invited by companies (see Issue 72 of this publication) by announcing, on Dec. 26, 2006, that inviting organizations that conform to the stipulations of the Regulations Governing the Permission for Invitation of PRC Personnel by Multinational FTZ Enterprises with a Certain Business Scale for Commercial Activities in Taiwan, that are enterprises invested by foreign nationals or overseas Chinese, that are the Taiwan branches or representative offices of foreign companies, or that are domestic enterprises with annual operating revenues of NT$30 million or more, may invite up to 100 mainland Chinese persons per year to come to Taiwan for business purposes so long as their business activities in Taiwan are beneficial to the development of the operations headquarters and logistics centers of domestic enterprises, international distribution centers, international logistics centers, and research and development centers.
The Investment Commission indicates that under the new Approval Directions for Cases in which the Annual Inviting Number Exceeds the Upper Ceiling Set by the 1st Item of Article 6 of the Regulations on Permit of Business Activities Conducted by P.R.C. Citizens in Taiwan, multinational enterprises that invite their mainland Chinese employees to come to Taiwan to participate in regional or international business conferences, or for other purposes that have an important policy significance or are of major benefit to Taiwanˇ¦s economy or society, will, upon approval by the Investment Commission in consultation with the Mainland Affairs Council and other related agencies, be exempt from the ceiling on number of invitees. To view the contents of this relaxation, please go online and visit one of these websites: or