Medical Technician Certification Testing Opened to Foreigners
On Jan. 5, the Legislative Yuan passed revisions of the Medical Radiation Technologist Act, Medical Technologist Act, and Occupational Therapist Act to allow foreign nationals and overseas Chinese to test in Taiwan, in accordance with the laws of the Republic of China, for certification as medical radiation technologist, medical technologist, and occupational therapist. Those who obtain licenses and gain permission from the competent authority will be allowed to practice. Methods of permission and management will be established by the competent authority of the central government.
At the same time, the Legislative Yuan passed a revision of the requirement for continuing training at set periods for personnel who pass the examination for the three types of technologists mentioned above. In addition, their professional licenses will have to be renewed every six years.
This liberalization follows the revision of the Physicians Act in January 2002 to allow foreigners and overseas Chinese to test for licenses to practice in Taiwan. According to Paragraph 2, Article 2 of the Enforcement Rules of Professionals and Technologists Examination Act as promulgated on May 24, 2005, foreigners may take tests for medical professionals in Taiwan, including Chinese medical doctors, dentists, pharmacists, registered professional nurses, registered professional midwives, clinical psychologists, counseling psychologists, respiratory therapists, registered nurses, registered midwives, and medical lab technicians.