Executive Yuan Announces New Investment Policies
The Executive Yuan has moved to strengthen Taiwan¡¦s attractiveness to investors by announcing the provision of 100 hectares of government-owned land rent-free for the first four years and at half the normal rental fee for the next six years. The goal of this new policy is to attract NT$50 billion in investment, create an annual production value of NT$60 billion, and provide 10,000 jobs.
At the same time, the Executive Yuan announced that the ¡§006688¡¨ program, which provides land rent free for the first and second years, at 60% of the normal rental fee for the third and four years, and at 80% of the normal rental fee for the fifth and sixth years, would be extended and its budget increased by NT$20 billion. The goal is to attract investment worth NT$175 billion, create an annual production value of NT$210 billion, and provide 35,000 job opportunities by 2008. Meanwhile, another announcement heralds the release of more than 1,000 hectares of land owned by the Taiwan Sugar Corp. for use by companies or development enterprises.
More financial incentives are also in the works. The Executive Yuan has relaxed the rules on loans and credit guarantees to include small and medium enterprises that have been established for less than one year but have received orders from government agencies, state-run enterprises, or companies listed on the stock market. The goal is to help SMEs obtain NT$1.6 trillion in financing by 2009. In addition, the Executive Yuan¡¦s National Development Fund, which was set up to promote industrial upgrading, will earmark NT$20 billion for investment in SMEs that operate in traditional industries. For further information, please go online and visit this website: http://w2kdmz1.moea.gov.tw/Important/ImportantTalksShow.asp?ImportantTalksID=241.