Further Relaxation of Rules for Hiring Foreign Professionals

       On Oct. 3, the Council of Labor Affairs promulgated a revision of the ˇ§Regulations on the Permission and Administration of the Employment of Foreign Workers,ˇ¨ relaxing the requirements for foreign professionals taking up employment in Taiwan. The main points of the revision follow:

  1. Overseas Chinese or foreigners approved by the competent government agency for the elevant investment or company establishment, sports coaches and sportsmen, and religious, art, and performance workers need not attach a copy of their graduation certification when applying to work in Taiwan.
  2. The rule for applications for extension of the employment period of foreign professionals has been relaxed, and the application for extension may now be submitted four months prior to expiration of the original employment period instead of the original 60 days. This will help foreign employees make arrangements for their continued residence in Taiwan.

For more information, please consult http://laws.cla.gov.tw/Chi/NewsContent.asp?msgid=864, or call the Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training of the Council of Labor Affairs at (02) 8590-2567.

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