Taiwan¡¦s Business Risk 3rd Lowest in Asia

        In its second ¡§Investment Environment Risk Assessment¡¨ report of 2006, Business Environment Risk Intelligence (BERI) of the United States puts Taiwan¡¦s Profit Opportunity Recommendation (POR) score at 72, the 6th in the world. Both the score and the ranking are the same as in the previous report. Of the 50 major countries covered in the report, Taiwan ranks behind only Switzerland, Singapore, Holland, Japan, and Norway.

Taiwan maintains its third-place ranking in Asia, after Singapore (the 2nd in the world with a score of 78) and Japan (the 3rd in the world with 75) but far above mainland China (the 17th place, score of 61), Malaysia (the 19th and 60), South Korea (the 21st and 59), Thailand (the 29th and 48), the Philippines (the 36th and 43), Vietnam (the 39th and 42), and Indonesia (the 47th and 40).

The island¡¦s investment environment keeps its rating of 1A¡Xthe highest category¡Xin the latest report, meaning that it is low-risk suitable for investment. BERI feels that despite the tensions between Taiwan and mainland China, both sides are showing restraint and the threat of armed conflict has eased. BERI predicts that Taiwan¡¦s overall investment environment will continue improving one and five years in the future, with projected POR scores rising to 73 in one year and 74 in five years, and global ranking climbing to the 5th place. For more related information, please visit http://w2kdmz1.moea.gov.tw/user/news/detail.asp?id=11819

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