U.S. Removes Taiwan from Priority Watch List
The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative announced on Jan. 18 that as a result of its Intellectual Property Rights Out-of-Cycle Review, Taiwan would be moved from the Priority Watch List to the Watch List in recognition of the progress that the island has made in IPR protection.
¡@¡@The review report noted Taiwan's efforts in such areas as the revision
of IRP-related laws and regulations and strengthened enforcement. The U.S. will
continue to work with the Taiwan authorities to prevent the unfair commercial
use of pharmaceutical test data and the piracy of copyrighted works over the
internet, and to continue strengthening enforcement aimed at reducing piracy and
counterfeiting. The U.S. will also closely watch Taiwan's efforts and results in
monitoring the export of copyrighted material, especially computer software, to
assure that these efforts are at least as effective as the island's Export
Monitoring System. For the full text of the USTR report, please visit its
website: http://www.ustr.gov.