
Warehouse Logistics 

In order for you to concentrate completely on your core business, you need a reliable partner who takes over all the storage activities - a partner like The Waco System.

1) Which services can The Waco System  offer in the field of Warehouse Logistics?

Acceptance of goods, incoming goods and checking goods, commissioning, preparation for dispatch, packing, repacking, packing for transport, inventory, warehouse security, supervision of orders, supervision of stock, supervision of sell-by date, keeping and analyzing warehouse figures (handling frequency, article span, ABC analysis ...), archiving, logistics advice, quality management advice, neutralization, labeling, re-labeling.

2) The Waco System offer Warehouse Logistics for perishable goods?

Of course. We know what is especially important in the field of food: we are well acquainted with the strictest hygiene regulations, supervision of sell-by dates, exact stock control and efficient loading plan for these high-turnover goods.

3) Can you still react flexibly to customer requirements when you use the services of Warehouse Logistics?

You gain even more flexibility - if you choose the right outsourcing partner. The Waco System makes you more flexible because

  • you can concentrate on your core business, thereby recognizing changes and chances much sooner
  • you remain more financially independent, by saving great investment costs for storage space and equipment, outdoor facilities, a fleet of vehicles, personnel and IT.
  • you can utilize the branch network at The Waco System and be closer to your customers without having to set up your own branches. On request The Waco System  will represent you to your customers - on the telephone as well as in correspondence.

4) Which advantages does The Waco System Warehouse Logistics offer to the customer?

We relieve you of this complex work.
This means: you can concentrate completely on your core business, have lower personnel fixed costs and save a great deal of time and money. As the specialists we can also make your warehouse costs more transparent: you calculate with fixed additions instead of complicated variable reports which are difficult to calculate and to control - a clear advantage in structuring your costs.


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