ICAO(國際民航組織) | IATA(國際空運協會) | EUROCONTROL | |
CAB(美國民用航空局) | SITA | FIATA | FAA(美國聯邦航空署) |
ICAO(國際民航組織) http://www.icao.org
美國於1944年在芝加哥初次召開國際民航會議,參加者共52國,簽訂了國際民航公約,後為執行這個公約起見,又於1945年組成國際民航組織(International Civil Aviation Organization),簡稱ICAO,由各國政府派代表組成,總部設在加拿大的蒙特婁,另在巴黎、開羅、墨爾本及理碼設置四個辦事處。該組織為一官方機構,其目的在發展國際航空技術,並培養國際空運之策劃與擴展,進而達成下列目標:
國際民航組織係由大會、理事會及各種委員會組成,大會規定每三年舉行一次,每一締約國有出席會議及一票之投票權,臨時大會會議,如經理事會之召集,或經十個締約國向秘書長請求,亦得舉行。理事會為一常設機構,對大會負責,理事會社秘書長一人,對理事會負責,依照規定由二十七締約國派代表組成,每三年由大會選舉之。理事會之職權,包括一般職權、行政與司法職權、立法職權、清算所(Clearing House)職權,以及研究與調查;附屬於理事會之機構包括:
IATA(國際空運協會) http://www.iata.org
雖然已於1944年成立了國際民航組織,但鑑於仍無法處理票價、運費等商業事項,遂感於有成立一個民間之國際團體的需要,而於1945年由各國飛行國際航線的航空公司聯合組成國際空運協會(International Air Transportation Association),簡稱IATA,因與國際民航組織協調關係密切,無形儼然已成為一半官半民之國際機構,總部亦設於加拿大之蒙特婁,另在瑞士之日內瓦設有辦事處。其職權則包括運費之訂定、清算等機能、運輸上統一條件之訂定。世界各航空公司透過該協會,與各航空公司相連結,形成一個世界性的強大運輸網。
航協會之行政首腦為總監(Director General),其重要決策係由會員大會制定,交付總監透過執行委員會(Executive Committee)執行,下設財務、法律、技術、醫務及運物咨議(Traffic Advisory Committee)等五個專門委員分掌各事,而以最後者之業務最為繁雜。幾乎涉及航空公司之一切商業活動。
航協為維護其決議案之確實執行,設有督察室(Enforcement Office)於紐約。其督察經常巡視各地區,瞭解市場及會員遵守規定之程度,甚或作各種試探以察覺有無違規競爭之事。一旦獲得佐證即予揭發,並限其答辯。確證會員違規即處以罰款,款額視情節輕重而言,多者可達數萬美元。因此各會員國均有所顧忌,而不敢公開削價競爭。此點無論對使用之大眾抑或經營而言,均受到保障,也使空運業更能順利健全之發展。 航協之主要任務,以提供空運業務為助,包括下列諸項。
EUROCONTROL http://www.eurocontrol.be
EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, has 28 Member States: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Spain, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Norway, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, Romania, United Kingdom, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey.
Founded in 1960 for overseeing air traffic control in the upper airspace of Member States, EUROCONTROL today has as its most important goal the development of a coherent and coordinated air traffic control system in Europe. Its primary objectives are:
In June 1997, the Ministers of Transport of the Member States of EUROCONTROL, signed the revised Convention with a view to improving the Agency's ability to carry out its responsibilities more effectively. The revised Convention provided for the reformulation of EUROCONTROL's tasks and the creation of a new institutional structure to enable the Organisation to achieve:
SITA is the world's leading provider of global telecommunications and information solutions to the air transport industry. With 50 years experience SITA now serves over 700 members in 220 countries and territories, over the world's largest, most advanced integrated voice and data network.
SITA's customers include airlines, aerospace companies, air-freight organizations, travel and global distribution companies, airport authorities and governmental organizations. SITA recorded corporate revenues of over US$1.2 billion in 1998.
The quality and economic competitiveness of SITA's services and the unrivalled international coverage of its network have made SITA a recognized leader in global communications provision. Since its foundation in 1949 by 11 original member airlines, SITA has continued to provide innovative solutions to meet the global telecommunications and information challenges facing its customers.
Delivering solutions over its single, seamless global network enables SITA to be a single source provider of fully managed end-to-end, or desktop-to-desktop, solutions. Global service provision is backed up with local support available worldwide.
SITA's services are offered on an unrivalled international scale, and include Global Voice Solutions, Intranet, Extranet and Internet Solutions, high-performance remote access services to corporate information over local dial-up lines, and many other wide area network systems and services. As a major player in network outsourcing, SITA has entered into long-term partnerships with Qantas, Air France, Cathay Pacific, Varig, Sabre and British Airways.
SITA provides customers with a global integration service offering a fully managed Wide Area Network (WAN)-to-desktop solution, from a single point-of-contact. Additionally, SITA offers high performance transaction processing software solutions to the world's travel and transportation industries. SITA's wide portfolio of solutions includes integrated airport systems and services, travel distribution solutions, Electronic Data interchange (EDI), multi-access communications, reservations, departure control, passenger, baggage and cargo handling, secure network access and Internet transaction systems.
SITA's solutions are provided over the world's largest, most advanced international voice and data network, which has over 146,000 user connections worldwide. SITA employs over 5,900 people, of 185 nationalities. SITA's head office is based in Geneva, Switzerland and it is registered in Brussels.
Corporate highlights.
SITA now serves over 1,800 customers in all sectors of the air transport industry, including over 700 members
SITA offers a wide portfolio, containing leading global solutions for data and voice communications, with value added applications for flight, airports, air freight, baggage, fares, passenger and other operations
SITA supports an industry that by the year 2006 expects to service over two billion air travelers per year. Without SITA these travelers would not be able to complete their journey
SITA delivers a total service - providing fully integrated solutions managed end-to-end and linking one desktop seamlessly to another, around the world SITA employs over 7,000 people of more than 165 nationalities, speaking over 80 languages, in 170 countries and has local language support staff available worldwide with help desk support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
FIATA, in French "Fédération Internationale des Associations de Transitaires et Assimilés", in English "International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations", in German "Internationale Föderation der Spediteurorganisationen", was founded in Vienna/Austria on May 31, 1926.
FIATA, a non-governmental organisation, represents today an industry covering approx. 40,000 forwarding firms, also known as the "Architects of Transport", employing around 8 - 10 million people.
FIATA has consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE), and the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN/ESCAP).
It is recognised as representing the freight forwarding industry by many other governmental organisations, governmental authorities, private international organisations in the field of transport such as the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the International Union of Railways (UIC), the International Road Transport Union (IRU), the World Customs Organization (WCO), etc.
In summary FIATA is the largest non-governmental organisation in the field of transportation. Its influence is world-wide.
FIATA's main objectives are:
Each year, FIATA holds a World Congress. This international event brings together the freight forwarding industry and transport world. It serves to conduct the business of the Federation, is a social occasion and last but not least acts as a meeting place to conduct business. Participation is between 800 - 1500 persons.
FIATA is structured into Institutes, Advisory Bodies, and Working Groups each in their turn dealing with every aspect that affects the international movement of freight.
The Institutes, which usually meet twice per year, carry out the technical work of the Federation. Currently FIATA has three, namely the
Each Institute has some permanent Working Groups; e.g. the MTI has three for Sea, Rail and Road Transport, the AFI one for IATA matters, and the CFI one for Customs Questions and one for Facilitation. Working Groups report to their respective Institutes and meet according to necessity.
For matters that affect the whole of the freight forwarding industry there are four Advisory Bodies:
They co-operate with the Institutes and Working Groups, if required, and meet according to necessity.
FIATA has created several documents and forms to establish a uniform standard for use by freight forwarders world-wide. The documents are easily distinguishable as each has a distinctive colour and carries the FIATA logo which can be seen at the head of this page.
FIATA documents have an excellent reputation and are recognised as documents of tradition and trust. They have greatly contributed in the past to the facilitation of international exchanges and will continue in the future to be valuable instruments in the service of world trade.
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FIATA Code of Abbreviations |
FAA(美國聯邦航空署) http://www.faa.gov
FAA也職司飛航管制台及飛航輔助設施的操作,同時對其所設立的航線系統之交通流量加以限定-- --每兩兩架飛行中的飛機必須相互保持4.8公里距離,以及相互間有305公尺以上的高度差。FAA也制定飛行員的資格,其稽查員定期地對飛行員實施測驗,測試其飛航技術。
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